Why Twist and Taste?

Food dishes all around the world taste delicious you just need to adjust them and “twist” them to suit your taste.

When I prepare food, I like to be flexible. I like to give my food character and originality. I believe in the final result. I believe in using fresh ingredient. I believe in cooking with pleasure.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Carrot Soup

Carrot soup
After the dolma (as a main dish) and the carrot cake as a desert, carrots do good jobs as starters as well… what best could you offer on cold days other than a good warm soup?
Any way I insist at eating carrots these days….don’t they say they are good for your sight??
Well I am getting all confused with what happens around me!
I just can’t see clearly and tell apart the wrong from the right….Yes I really need carrots….a lot of carrots!

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