Why Twist and Taste?

Food dishes all around the world taste delicious you just need to adjust them and “twist” them to suit your taste.

When I prepare food, I like to be flexible. I like to give my food character and originality. I believe in the final result. I believe in using fresh ingredient. I believe in cooking with pleasure.

Saturday 29 January 2011

Carrot Cake

The Carrot Story:
A long.. long time ago… even before the time when Animals spoke!...( this is a kabyle way to introduce a story that happened in old days!)
Vegetables spoke…
They (vegetables) held a big conference to decide whether carrots were Vegetables or Fruits.. Some argued that it was a root, so it is a parsnip cousin hence vegetables, others argued that it is orange in colour and sweet in taste, so it had to be a fruit.
Poor carrot lived miserably just because it never knew what it was.
Nowadays the fellow becomes so popular and so liberated that it could act as it wills… Good for everything. Raw or cooked, sweet or savour, fruit or vegetable.
The problem is..many other vegetables tried to do the same thing! Can you imagine a cake made out of onion! Or pepper!!!! Even sweet pepper!!!?
Well they use chilli in chocolate you could argue!!
Are there rules of when it works and when it does not work???
Long went the days when I was 20 and everything seemed clear cut for me.
Aghh… Everything is so confusing nowadays!!!  

3 eggs
175 gr brown sugar
175 gr flour (1/2 plain flour,1/2 wholemeal)
150 gr margarine
4 medium carrots grated
zestof 1 orange
1 ½ Tbs baking powder
75 grs roughly chopped walnuts
½ tsp cinnamon
½ tsp nutmeg
½ tsp cardamom powder
for the icing
100 grs softened butter
50 grs icing sugar
2Tbs soft cheese
1tsp Vanilla paste

Mix eggs and margarine with an electric hand mixer until softened, add eggs one by one alternating with 1tbs of flour at each time.
Add the spices, carrots, walnut and the remaining flour, baking powder and fold gently with a spatula.
Pour into a tin and cook in a medium oven for 45mins, or check with a skewer after 30 mins to ensure it comes out clean. Cool.
Mix butter with icing sugar and 2Tbs of soft cheese flavour with vanilla and spread on the cake.

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