Why Twist and Taste?

Food dishes all around the world taste delicious you just need to adjust them and “twist” them to suit your taste.

When I prepare food, I like to be flexible. I like to give my food character and originality. I believe in the final result. I believe in using fresh ingredient. I believe in cooking with pleasure.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Wedding Cake 2

This is today..
I came back very happy from the wedding party.
The cake looked good and tasted good…
That is what I was told by everybody…
It was finished!
 People loved the details..
I was Happy.

There is another wedding next week! and I got an order!

Wedding Cake 1

A Wedding Cake.
I Wrote this Yesterday.
A friend is organising a post-wedding party.
Recently I have been dying for an opportunity to make a wedding cake.
Since it is just a post wedding. Someone has to trust me!
Not that I have not made any Wedding-cake-like cakes.
The ones I made before were mostly for big occasions..in my own house… new babies! Eids..ect. I never took pictures.
But this time I want to take a picture and share my pride! In Algerian we call that “Ezzoukh…” hahaha.
Any way it is a three tiers cake… I have been planning it for a week and sharing and discussing the ideas with my friend and colleague at work!!!!(I mean during breaks..a way to lighten up our days).
Any way it is nearly finished now.
I made some flowers yesterday and the day before.
I baked the cakes today
I have my butter cream ready for coating the cakes… But I am now undecided on presentation
Do I stack one on the top of the other…the traditional way…
Or do I present them separate but play on stands of different heights..
(My friend gave me the idea an it is beautiful
Here is a mock set up.
I am undecided…
As we say in Algeria..
Ghedwa rabi ydeer ettaweel.
  I like both ways and I am undecided!
Good night.

Saturday 19 March 2011

Handbag Birthday Cake

Handbag Birthday Cake.
It is not unfair that people get different things. That is life. Some people live rich with little effort..others are poor even though they always work hard.
Some live with a fairly good health, others get illnesses.
What is unfair is that people do not appreciate what they get.
What is unfair is that Some people prefer to suffer when they are given the chance to live in peace with themselves..  
What is that to do with the cake?
I had an interesting discussion with my little daughter when she pointed out that she is the only one who got a “bought cake from the supermarket!” the rest of the family (including some of their friends!) I made the effort and time to make the cake for them…
I explained that it was unfortunate that her birthday was not on a week end.
But then she had a good time with her friends at the week end when she had “a lot of fun” including making the cheese cake….

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Chocolate Mousse Gateau

Every one makes mistakes in this life.
It is what you do about it that counts
Some would say “just make a learning experience out of it!”
“Fine!” I would say “But what do you do about it then!”
“live the consequences” some would say….Pessimism
“Limit the damage” others would say!... that is better..that is positive
But how many would say… use it as an opportunity and take the challenge to turn the situation into a win situation.. a better situation.
Not always possible..Some would say.
“Not always easy!” I would correct.
When I was designing this cake.. I had in mind to have a biscuit base, then a thick layer of light Ganache then decorate it with meringues..
The result is very different of the image I had in mind..
This is due to a mistake I made …and to my resolution to take a challenge.
½ pack of digestive biscuit crushed
1/3 cup walnuts
75g butter melted

Light Ganache
200ml custard made with:
200ml milk
3Tbs cornflour
5Tbs sugar
2Tbs cocoa powder
120ml Double cream
150g fine dark chocolate( good quality for a better taste!)

8-10 small meringues

First mix all the ingredients for the base.
Layer a 23cm oiled round tin with the biscuit mix. Press with your fingers and refrigerate until it hardens.
Meanwhile prepare the Ganache
In a saucepan,on a low heat mix the ingredient for the custard until thickened. Set aside
In another pan boil the cream and add the chocolate broken into small pieces.
Mix until the chocolate is melted.
Mix with the custard and pour on top of the biscuit base. Add the meringues and let them sink.
Refrigerate until set..

Mediterranean Heaven

Sunday 6 March 2011

Croissants au Chocolat

My twist to the Croissant is that I do not have a special recipe.
For successful croissants, it is the technique that matters rather than the ingredients in the dough.
For a less fatty version, I reduce the amount of the “usual” butter by nearly half and use oil rather than butter in the dough itself.
To be honest, I used the right recipe when I was learning how to make them years ago..but soon I stopped making them given.. the amount of the butter used…It just scares me.
However with the confidence I gained in baking now..I turn any dough into croissant.
I do not get as much layers… but the result is quite satisfying and at least I don’t eat with guilt!


Life is like a bowl of soup.
It could be served to you burning hot, ice cold or just to the right
It is really up to you how you have it..
In fact what matters is not the soup's temperature…
What matters is your approach..
Do you burn your tongue and blame the heat... or do you blow on it to
cool it down and then enjoy?
Do you eat it cold and moan about the taste..... or  do you heat it up
and enjoy?
For me, I like to adjust the temperature, adjust the seasoning..... and
enjoy life!

I sent this though to some friends and they replied with the following!!!
BM said “..and your perfect bowl of soup could be half empty or half full too!”

SA said “By the way it depends of what kind of soup you were talking about... some I will adjust, take time and enjoy but some I won't”
YD said “me, I like it burning hot and consider the pain of burning my mouth as a small price to pay for maximum enjoyment!! Does that make me a masochist?!!!”
And CA said: “ Sometimes, it doesn't matter if it's too... this or too...that, as long as I have the soup with the right person.
I rely on the friend to do the adjustment for me.
I will remember the amazing taste of that soup later on.
I will try to recreate it with the right ingredients.
I sometimes get closer to what i am looking for.
Then..I just need to say:You come to see me or I will come..
I need to enjoy that soup again.
These thoughts are dedicated to all the jaffa cakes I used to share with.
your kids in your old house but never buy them for myself again.
As F used to say: don't even try.. Outside this house they’ll never taste the same” 

Interesting… How a bowl of soup triggers conversations.