Why Twist and Taste?

Food dishes all around the world taste delicious you just need to adjust them and “twist” them to suit your taste.

When I prepare food, I like to be flexible. I like to give my food character and originality. I believe in the final result. I believe in using fresh ingredient. I believe in cooking with pleasure.

Monday, 19 March 2012

A pink shoe cake

I tried to explain to a friend how saying “Sorry!” to somebody incites different emotions
Well I said:
“It is the most difficult word to say for some people but the easiest for others!
The cutest thing to say in some circumstances but the ugliest word to utter in others.
The bravest thing to do sometimes and the cowards’ get away other times.
Some say it with pride and some say it with shame.
It often costs Lives … to be lost or to be born…”
“Did I confuse you?” I asked.
“Yes” she replied
“Sorry?!!” I said

Well one thing I am certainly not sorry for making is this cake..However I do apologise for not showing some stages of the process... I deleted some pictures by mistake... Well may be the next time.....


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