Life is like a bowl of soup.
It could be served to you burning hot, ice cold or just to the right
It is really up to you how you have it..
In fact what matters is not the soup's temperature…
What matters is your approach..
Do you burn your tongue and blame the heat... or do you blow on it to
cool it down and then enjoy?
Do you eat it cold and moan about the taste..... or do you heat it up
and enjoy?
For me, I like to adjust the temperature, adjust the seasoning..... and
enjoy life!
It could be served to you burning hot, ice cold or just to the right
It is really up to you how you have it..
In fact what matters is not the soup's temperature…
What matters is your approach..
Do you burn your tongue and blame the heat... or do you blow on it to
cool it down and then enjoy?
Do you eat it cold and moan about the taste..... or do you heat it up
and enjoy?
For me, I like to adjust the temperature, adjust the seasoning..... and
enjoy life!
BM said “..and your perfect bowl of soup could be half empty or half full too!”
SA said “By the way it depends of what kind of soup you were talking about... some I will adjust, take time and enjoy but some I won't”
YD said “me, I like it burning hot and consider the pain of burning my mouth as a small price to pay for maximum enjoyment!! Does that make me a masochist?!!!”

I rely on the friend to do the adjustment for me.
I will remember the amazing taste of that soup later on.
I will try to recreate it with the right ingredients.
I sometimes get closer to what i am looking for.
Then..I just need to say:You come to see me or I will come..
I need to enjoy that soup again.
These thoughts are dedicated to all the jaffa cakes I used to share with.
your kids in your old house but never buy them for myself again.
As F used to say: don't even try.. Outside this house they’ll never taste the same”
Interesting… How a bowl of soup triggers conversations.
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