Saturday 8 January 2011

Djwaz Curry

Djwaz Curry
I have got a story for you today…
Long ago a mixed newly wed couple (an Asian and an Algerian) had this conversation.
“What is it we ate yesterday at your mums?”
“Djwaz! it is a type of stew, you know, similar to your curry. It’s nice isn’t it?”
“Well, I wouldn’t say it is better than curry. In fact, I would say it needs more spices”
“ What do you mean? I found the curry over spiced and unhealthy!” She says.
“Excuse me, the curry is the best food ever”.. and then they fought and argued until they came up with this dish that looks as nice as a curry and is as healthy as a djwaz. Spicier than djwaz and milder than curry and  then the couple lived happily ever after…well not really! as they always argued on how they should call their new dish. Curry Djwaz or Djwaz Curry…and then they argued and fought for ever…Silly!!!!

3 onions sliced
2 peppers sliced
4 medium potatoes
500 g diced beef/lamb
1 can plum tomato
4 cloves garlic crushed
1cup water
1/3 cup mixed vegetable oil and olive oil
1tsp cumin
1tsp coriander
1tsp ginger
1tsp turmeric
1tsp chilli
Plenty of finely cut fresh coriander (around ½ cup)

Heat the oil in a large pan over medium heat.
Add the onion and fry until browned (it is important that the onions are fried rather than sweat). The oil should reappear at the surface.
Add peppers and fry again until the oil reappears again.
Add crushed tomatoes and garlic, fry again for around 3-4 mins. Add meat and fry. Add seasoning and all the spices .
Again when you see the oil at the surface add water. Simmer.
When the meat is nearly cooked add potatoes and extra water, if necessary to cook the potatoes.
Let it simmer again until the potatoes are soft.
It is tastier if you fry the potatoes in advance and add them to the sauce but then the whole dish will be called Lkbab Curry… but that is another story….

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